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Psychology and Behavioral Science For The Modern Generations

No Filter, Controversial & Science-Based Guides to Read People Like a Book

Recent Thoughts on Human Psychology

Making psychology and behavioral science easier and practical. 

This blog aims to help the modern generations navigate adulthood better. 


  • Feeling lost in the shallow world of dating apps and ghosting.
  • Struggling to find meaningful connections that go beyond the surface.
  • Societal pressures making you feel bad about being single.
  • Unhealthy attachment styles hindering your ability to form deep bonds.
  • Difficulty balancing your career with a fulfilling romantic relationship.
  • Dealing with anxiety, depression, or past trauma impacting your relationships. 
  • Looking for ways to prioritize self-care and boundaries while still having healthy relationships.
  • The work-life balance is just imbalanced! 
  • Expected to “have it all figured out” by others which leaves you restless.
  • May use isolation, lashing out or unhealthy behaviors to cope

Gen Z

  • Feeling overwhelmed by navigating the modern dating scene.
  • Wanting deep connections but also valuing your independence and financial security. 
  • Questioning traditional relationship structures and exploring alternatives.
  • Environmental and social problems like climate or social labels which can cause you feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty. 
  • Facing communication issues or unclear expectations in new relationships.
  • Wanting to build self-esteem and fight societal pressures.
  • Struggling with mental health challenges like anxiety or emotional baggage.
  • Outwardly confident but inwardly self-conscious
  • Struggling to practice self-care and set boundaries and don’t have strong values. 
  • Desire control but get overwhelmed rather easily. 

All of these challenges made most become:
– Insecure
– More anxious and depressed 
– Situationships < Actual relationships 
– Low-self esteemed 
– Commitment phobia 
– Emotionally fatigued
-Have trust issues
–  In deep imposter syndrome
And More!  

Did you know?

  • Based on an NCBI study, nearly half (48%) of Gen Z and 38% of Millennials report feeling stressed or anxious all or most of the time.
  • Gen Z may be more prone to insecure attachment styles, which can lead to anxiety in relationships. Paw Research Center
  • The American Psychological Association (APA) indicates that78% of Millennials engage in self-care activities.
  • A study by The Attachment Project suggests Gen Z may be more prone to insecure attachment styles, which can lead to anxiety in relationships.
  • The most popular reason for ghosting is to avoid confrontations. (50% women – 38% men)
  • Millennials care more about a partner’s look and career than Gen Z.
a boy wearing a suit in black and white wondering, millennials and genz

The Future You Lab Path

Embracing social psychology and behavioral science for everyday life. 


Ever feel like you’re stuck on repeat in dating? Anxious texter one minute, commitment-phobe the next? Understand your attachment style, other’s behaviors, and how it triggers your actions and be emotionally secure and in a secure partnerships. 

Toxic Relationships

‘Situationships’ suck and emotionally draining. Building something real isn’t. Know practical tools for navigating conflict, fostering intimacy, and building a fulfilling partnership that speaks to you as a Mel or a Gen Z.

Self Awareness

Build your character and become more mature. Understand your emotions in depth, expand your reasoning to navigate any situation efficiently, and learn to read yourself and your partner better to create deep connections without unnecessary drama. 

Personal Values 

Knowing your deal breakers is crucial, but what about your boundaries? decision-making skills? toolkits for proper growth as a person? Learn how to show your true self, attract the right partner, and be the type of person who is irreplaceable and of high value. 

entangled threads becoming a structured square. Highlighting the transformation from hardness to better adulthood for millennials and genz

Forward-Thinking Guides For Personal Growth 

Heal your attachment wounds. Unpack your psychological baggage. Become a self-aware adult. 


To empower the modern generations with relational and intra-personal frameworks for emotional and mental mastery


To simplify psychology and behavioral science for Millennials and Gen Z for a better life. 

What The Future You Lab Is NOT. 

– Peddling snake oil or promising overnight fixes. Building a fulfilling adult life takes hard work and dedication.

 – No financial talks here or financial courses that promise you $10K in 10 days.

-No Guru Worship. Just practical knowledge and scientific tools with diverse perspectives to boost your critical thinking, 

-No Sugar-Coated Reality: We are into this together. We’ll tell it like it is to navigate challenges without sugarcoating the truth.

-This is not just ‘what to do’, it is ‘what, why, and how’

– No jargon or unrequired complexity. Just distilled, deep, engaging & humor-infused content (because we all need a laugh!). 

The Future You Lab is a skill-based and controversial platform that navigates modern-day struggles better. 
an animated adult relatable to millennials and Gen Z effortlessly pushing a boulder up the hill

Want to Unmask Anyone’s Motives? 

Check The Future You Lab Newsletter 

Weekly 10-minute letters where 700+ adults learn to hack anyone’s behavior
and stay one step ahead ethically. 

the future you lab logo, smart adulthood for millennials and Gen Z